Is Your Workplace Inclusive?
For a workplace culture to be successful, a large part of the equation usually comes from a productive and diverse set of employees.
Your staff will always be your number resource. No matter how well-curated the office furniture may be or how well designed the office interior is, the success of the company comes from the individuals that make up the team.
An ever-growing company is usually made up of a dynamic team that includes diverse individuals. And for these diverse individuals to grow and thrive in the office, an inclusive workplace is necessary to be honed and created. Without an inclusive work environment, there’s a chance to lose individuals who had the potential to bring energy and growth in the office.
Is your workplace inclusive enough to attract and foster individuals of all shapes and sizes? If you’re not sure, it’s best to do a thorough evaluation of your workplace culture and environment to guarantee that each and every employee feels welcome and valued in the office.
Improve the relationship between the staff and upper management
There are times when employees are afraid to voice ou their opinions and ideas, scared that doing so could cost them their job, or at the very least, offend their office superiors. Though there are times that the employee may only be timid, there are also times when it’s the type of management that limits feedback and ideas from talented staff members.
To improve the relationship among staff, it’s on the management’s side to make sure that they encourage healthy and active conversations with their team members. They can start by asking the opinions of their staff for projects and activities.
Even simple office concerns can be collaborative between management and staff. For example, crowdsource ideas before you start office renovations. Get their ideas and opinions on how they want to improve the office and communicate this with the office interior design firm handling your renovation. Doing this will show your employees that their ideas matter, that they matter.
Just by having this initiative to include every company member in the discussion, they’re already fostering the kind of environment that will make everyone feel included.
Open the lines of communication between departments
There are tendencies for one department to isolate or limit their communication with the members of their team. After all, why would there be a need for the marketing team to interact regularly with research and development?
But you see, constant and open communication with different departments can open opportunities and ideas that wouldn’t be there if you limit yourself to interacting with only your team members. Despite being on different lines of expertise, there’s always a chance to learn from someone.
Bouncing off ideas from each other entertain the thought that cross-training and cross-learning is possible between departments. It also welcomes the thought that any employee can approach people from other department and build a mutual relationship of trust and respect.
One way to do this is to handle special projects that would require collaboration of employees from different departments. This would lead them to accomplish an innovative project and to learn more about what each of them do and how to potentially help each other in the future.
Communicate company goals effectively and convincingly
How do you keep employees engaged and motivated in their work? While there are various factors to do it, communicating the company’s goals and vision to the employees can keep them motivated.
If they know what they’re working for, if they know what the company’s working towards, they would have a better sense of why they’re working. They will have a more appreciation of the value of their work. They will feel included because they know that they’re not just an indespensable piece of the puzzle. They are a valuable part of the bigger picture that make up the company’s future. This leadership is what will drive them to constantly perform well and deliver enthusiastically.
It’s not enough that you relay your company’s goals and values during the orientation on their first day on the job. Constanty reinforce it during townhalls and company newsletters. Post these goals where they can see it. Be it on the bulletin board in the lobby or posted on a wall on their department’s room—just having it constantly presented can go a long way.
Reminding them of the company’s goals and their role in achieving will make them understand and appreciate better what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.
Every employee desires to feel valued and appreciated no matter how big or small they contribute in the office. Creating and fostering an inclusive workplace takes a lot of work, but the payoff is more than worth it. Besides honing dynamic and engaged talents, you’re also on the road to build your company’s success.