How 5g is Taking Over - Everything You Need to Know

How 5g is Taking Over – Everything You Need to Know

What is this new technology? The infamous 5g technology that a lot of buzz has been about lately is a connectivity service and a technological improvement project. It is a huge step forward, as far as transmission technology goes. This is where the next generation of mobile connectivity begins. This is something a lot of creative content writers have been focusing on writing about lately due to the buzz it has created. A lot of people are considering it a gamble, considering that the upgrade in service will come with a few drawbacks – the biggest one being that it will be more expensive than regular internet. People might not want this upgrade due to that fact. However, what we need to consider are the possibilities it will open up in the tech world – this is no ordinary update. It will bring about changes such as the seamless application of the Internet of Things (IoT). This will be the foundation for a lot of other technologies to improve themselves.

How it can benefit you

5g technology provides a wide range of features that can be helpful to people of any age group. While it hasn’t spread too much so far, the cities that it is applicable are greatly benefiting from it due to the reasons mentioned below. A lot of people don’t know much about the technology yet, so in case you are one of them, here are some of its basic features.

Say goodbye to slow Wi-Fi

The speed of it will vary from country to country. It will depend on the region it is being operated in, but what can be said for sure is that this will be a major upgrade from 4g. It has been claimed as the fastest wireless connection ever seen and is currently under development. In a lot of areas where it isn’t currently available, it is set to be launched in 2020. Talking about current connectivity issues, internet speed seems to be the biggest pet peeve for a lot of people. 
  • On conducting speed tests, 5g speed has been recorded as 1.4Gbps in Chicago, while the UK has also released its first-ever 5g phone – the OnePlus 7 Pro 5g.

You’ll never be stuck mid-download again

5g is revolutionizing the Internet of Things. This means that processing very large amounts of data will become a lot easier. Lag in connectivity will decrease to a great extent, and already existing technologies will get their own updates. Some of the new tech being developed and improved is as follows:
  • The idea of self-driving cars sounds like it’s straight out of an old sci-fi movie. Major Back to the Future vibes, right? Well, they’ve been an actual thing for a while. However, due to this new technology, they’ll be more easily available and affordable to people.
  • The speed of your phone will increase too, thus eliminating any frustration you might feel due to lag when you’re trying to play a game or make an urgent call.
  • Just like Amazon Echo, you will have a lot more gadgets that enable you to have a smarter home. Every corner of your house will be equipped with a personal assistant. Isn’t that what we all hope to achieve?

It’s way more efficient!

There are three different spectrum bands that 5g currently operates on. If you don’t know what that means, spectrum bands basically determine your coverage. There are different options for your data speed, and over what distance it can operate. These options are as follows:
  • Low band spectrum: it can also be referred to as sub 1GHz spectrum. The coverage is known to be significantly good, but the highest data speed is at about 100mbps, which isn’t as great as it could be.
  • Mid band spectrum: the coverage may be faster than a low band with this one, but it cannot penetrate as well. For example, through buildings, it will be much weaker. The good news is that speeds on this will be up to 1Gbps.
  • High band spectrum: This is what should come to mind when you think of 5g tech. Another name for it is mm-Wave, it offers peak speeds up to 10Gbps. However, the coverage isn’t too great and penetration is significantly weak.
This has to do with 4g augmentation and its inner workings.


As you’re probably already aware, a lot of rural areas fail to provide adequate healthcare to the people living there. There is a serious lack of efficiency and resources when it comes to healthcare in place with less access to help. A lot of people have to leave their homes to go to more urbanized areas to be treated, which disrupts their daily lives. Not only are their entire lives disturbed, it costs them a lot more than it would if circumstances were slightly more in their favour. The cost of travelling and living expenses adds to the treatment, which could very easily be done without all the hassle. 
  • This is where 5g comes in! It could easily help connect these people to areas with proper help, and they can be guided through simple procedures that they shouldn’t have to travel to urban areas for. This technology can even connect us to the finest surgeons in the world for consultancy, no matter where in the world they may be.

To wrap it up…

The fact that this technology is barely accessible right now is truly a waste. There is so much it could do, bettering almost every industry with its modernized features, which is why constant developments should be made to make it more available to the masses, at most by 2020.


Nate Lee is a 35-year-old lecturer at Pennsylvania State University and has been a teacher since the beginning of his career. Due to his great experience, he is an excellent thesis advisor and writes well-received blogs for Content Majestic based on his knowledge and experiences.