COS and PCOD they are different: symptoms, causes

COS and PCOD they are different: symptoms, causes

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a common hormonal imbalance that affects about one in 10 women. It is estimated that one-fifth of women have a difference between PCOD and PCOS (polycystic ovaries) and a half to three-quarters of these symptoms occur in women. some moments of their life cure problem ayurvedic treatment.


A hormonal imbalance creates too much estrogen and an increase in testosterone in the blood and not enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the ovaries to regularly release an egg.

This disease was first described in 1934 by Irving Stein and Michael Leventhal and is therefore often referred to as “hyperandrogenic anovulation syndrome” or Stein Leventhal syndrome.

The difference between having PCOS and PCOD

People with PCOS have symptoms associated with ovaries and polycystic syndromes. You can actually be a PCOD.

What are the symptoms?

PCOS can be difficult to diagnose because affected women may have a symptom or a combination of symptoms. Very few women have the same set of symptoms PCOD and PCOS.

Fact: About 80% of women with PCOS have polycystic ovaries and about 50% of people with PCOS have PCOS, the rest have PCOS.

Symptoms may include:

Irregular Periods – Some women will have normal periods, while most will have changes in their cycle. The bleeding can be very heavy or light. The rules can be irregular or even stop. As a teenager, the diagnosis of PCOS can be delayed because it can be normal.

Unwanted hair, also known as hirsutism, is a symptom caused by an excess of androgens (male hormones such as testosterone).

Acne – This symptom is also caused by an increase in androgens.

  • Chronic fatigue, tiredness

  • Articular pain

  • Hair loss – Alopecia is also known as the thinning of the hair of the scalp in a “masculine” pattern.

  • Soft breasts

  • inflammation

  • Mood swings

  • Difficulty conceiving – This is usually related to egg release or lack of ovulation and can be complicated by being overweight. The risk of repeated miscarriages also increases.

  • The Depression

  • Stomach ache

  • Feel dizzy

The problem of being overweight – studies show that two-thirds of people with PCOS are affected. Weight gain usually occurs in the abdominal area and is associated with the body that does not normally treat insulin. Insulin resistance is caused by weight gain and does not in itself cause weight gain. People who do not have these symptoms have either normal weight or underweight.

  • The tendency to faintness increases

  • Ulcer

  • Small follicles on the ovary

  • Headache

  • Thyroid problems

  • Low memory

  • Attacks of panic

  • Constant thirst

  • Extreme agony

  • If untreated PCOS is left, then various life-threatening situations may occur such as:

  • Diabetes

  • Cardiac disease

  • Cardiac disease

  • Endometrial cancer – it can be caused by the anovulatory menstrual cycle.

  • Uterine cancer

  • Hypertension

  • High cholesterol

  • Renal problems

  • Fact: In case of chronic enucleation (regular egg failure), the uterine lining (endometrium) may thicken and cause abnormal cell changes and the risk of uterine and endometrial cancer may increase with the age of women.

What is the reason?

With the studies conducted so far, there seems to be a hereditary link and way of life. It is also believed that the inability of the ovaries to produce the correct ratio of hormones is involved. I think Collette Harris best describes it as follows: “The pituitary discovers that the ovary is not functioning properly and in turn releases abnormal amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) These two factors are associated with ovulation ability. Development and release and ovulation. It is when this ovulation ability is disabled only with PCOS Infertility can occur in women. “

Because there are many symptoms associated with PCOS Exercise, a combination of factors is used to diagnose the disease. There is currently no test for diagnosing PCOS.

Before you see your doctor, do a thorough examination, determine the medical history of your family, whatever your symptoms and any part of your medical history that concerns you.