Yoga Exercises To Improve The Functioning Of The Gastrointestinal Tract

Yoga Exercises To Improve The Functioning Of The Gastrointestinal Tract

The digestive system is constantly experiencing unusual loads – the lack of a poor diet, heavy food at night, junk food, frequent snacks lead to the fact of heartburn, constipation, disorders in the stomach and intestines. In order to achieve a rapid effect, especially in so-called “crisis” situations, of course, it is necessary to use drugs, but if you are concerned about a persistent, long-term, natural result, you need to do solid prevention. One of the proven ways to improve the digestive system – regular yoga exercises. Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a great way to get certified so that you can spread the knowledge and wisdom of yoga with others.

Yoga exercises against heartburn, constipation and indigestion

Trikonasana (triangle pose)

  • You have to stand directly connecting the feet so that the heels and big toes touch each other. Tighten your knees, pull up your kneecaps, contract your upper thighs, and tighten your back thigh muscles. Retract the stomach, the chest leaned forward, spine pulls up, keep the neck straight.
  • Take a deep breath and jump 90 centimeters apart. Raise your arms, spreading them apart at shoulder level, palms down, and hold them parallel to the floor.
  • Now rotate the right foot 90 degrees to your right side. Turn the left foot slightly to the right, keeping the left leg extended from the inside and tense at the knee.
  • Exhale; incline the torso, bringing the right hand to the right ankle. If possible, put the palm completely on the floor; try at least with the fingers of the right hand to get the Mat at the little finger of the right foot. Beginners, who are still difficult to bend, can take a hand not the ankle.
  • Extend the left arm upwards – the arm should be upright so that it continues the line of the right shoulder. The legs, upper back and pelvis should be in the same plane.
  • Maintain this position from 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathe deeply and evenly. Then lift your right palm off the floor.
  • Now turns the left foot 90 degrees to the left, the right foot slightly to the left, tighten both knees and perform the asana.
  • Exhale and jump back to the starting position.


  • You have to stand directly connecting the foot so that the heels and big toes touch each other. Tighten your knees, pull up your kneecaps, contract your upper thighs, and tighten your back thigh muscles. Retract the stomach, the chest leaned forward, spine pull up, keep the neck straight.
  • Spread your legs at a distance of 30 centimeters (slightly less than shoulder width), achieving maximum stability.
  • Exhale, bend forward, and grasp your toes with your thumb, forefinger, and middle fingers so that the palms of your hands are facing each other. Don’t bend your legs. Hold your thumbs firmly in your hands.
  • Keep your head up, stretch your diaphragm up to the sternum, bend your back as far as possible so that the deflection starts from the coccyx, not from the shoulders, and the movement goes from the pelvis.
  • Hold your feet firmly without bending your knees or loosening the grip of your thumbs. Pull out the shoulder blades as well. In this position, take breaths two times.
  • Then exhale and press your head against your knees, straining your knees and keeping your fingers on the floor. Stay in this position for about 20 seconds, breathe normally.
  • Inhale, return to the starting position.

Pavanamuktasana(pose for the discharge of gases)

  • Lie on your back, legs together, arms along your torso, palms down. Look straight ahead.
  • Slowly inhale, bulging stomach. Hold your breath.
  • Bend your right leg at the knee, wrap both hands around your Shin, and press your hip tightly against your stomach.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds while you can hold your breath without strain. Then relax, inhale, lower your leg and arms to the starting position. Restore breathing.
  • Perform the exercise by bending your left leg.
  • Do the exercise again, now bending both legs at the same time.
  • Repeat the entire cycle 2-3 times.

If you are a beginner and want to learn yoga to start your own yoga classes, then you should opt for 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh which will give you a certification to teach yoga.