Liver Transplant Evaluation Criteria

If you have been diagnosed with any kind of chronic liver disease and have been told that you may need a liver transplant by your doctor, there are a few things that you must keep in mind.

Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

The doctor suspects an infection based on the symptoms, the results of the physical examination and the risk factors of the affected person.

5 Health Benefits of Travelling

Health benefits of travelling are several and this is the ideal most way to keep yourself fit and fine. Travelling doesn't just keep you off your day-to-day life, it also keeps you stress and diseases free.

How To Manage Insulin Resistance

Insulin is an important hormone that takes part in different cellular processes such as fat, carbohydrates, and protein metabolism, as well as cell growth. The essential function of insulin is glucose utilization, wherein the hormone promotes the entry of glucose inside the cell for energy production. Without insulin, the sugar levels in the blood can cause harmful effects and may lead to Diabetes Mellitus if not addressed immediately.

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